How to Resize the Sidebar of Gmail

How to Resize the Sidebar of Gmail

Do you know that How to Resize the Sidebar of Gmail? Now the signatures of all your labels will be placed there, even if they are long. Gmail shortcuts are a great way to organize your mail. They can be assigned to letters manually or automatically using filters to always keep order in your Inbox.

How to Resize the Sidebar of Gmail

But with the Google mail interface, things are not going smoothly. Due to the fact that the sidebar with folders has a fixed size, label names often do not fit there. Of course, you can somehow deal with this by coming up with shorter labels, but this is still half measure.

How to Resize the Sidebar of Gmail Solution

The problem will be solved by the Resize Gmail Sidebar extension. After installation, it will allow you to resize the Gmail sidebar by dragging the mouse. Simple and convenient.

Install this extension, activate it through your Google account and refresh the page with mail. And the Resize Gmail Sidebar is ready to go.

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