Now You Can Check How Much Time You Spend On YouTube Daily

Now You Can Check How Much Time You Spend On YouTube Daily

YouTube is extremely popular and we can devote a lot of our free time to it. Exactly. A lot or how much? From now on you will be able to check it thanks to the new "Time watched" tab.


To find a new function, you need to click the icon with your avatar and select the "Watch time" tab. You can find here information on how much time we spent on YouTube today, yesterday and last week, and additionally, the service shows us how much time we spend on average each day.

If you think that you are sitting there too long, you can pull down a little lower and choose the reminder option after a certain time, or turn off the video autoplay.

If you do not have these options yet, you will probably have to wait several days because the changes are implemented gradually.

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