MediaGet Download, MediaGet for Android, MediaGet for Windows 8
MediaGet Download, MediaGet for Android, MediaGet for Windows 8
MediaGet is a program based on technology torrent to search, organize and quickly download movies, music, games and applications from the best of torrent.
MediaGet has a search engine intelligent where you just enter the title of the movie / game or application name and its automatically starts to search for files in all portals that offer torrent.

Once you find the files you can download and watch it offline (movies). The program MediaGet comes complete with a handy player to watch movies or listen to music.
The program has simple interface and intuitive as the installation requires a bit of attention because there are commercial offerings that might install unnecessary applications to MediaGet.
The main features are:
- Download files from the Internet through BitTorrent at high speed.
- Search organized into categories, and advanced filters.
- It plays videos and music even before the end of the download.
- Create your own media library and browse your content on the PC .
- Interface comfortable and friendly.
MediaGet Download
MediaGet for Android
MediaGet for Windows 8
Music Software
Windows Software
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